12 Minutes LIVE (2013-2023)

Mathias Müller directing 12 Minutes LIVE with Duo Hofmaninger/Schwarz
Yours Truly Directing 12 Minutes LIVE with Duo Hofmaninger/Schwarz (Photo: Irene Grabherr)

Within the framework of "12 Minutes LIVE", bands or individual artists are to be given the opportunity to present their music and themselves within a live broadcasting time of 12 minutes. The OKTO studio with all its technical facilities (control room, cameras, lighting, sound and, of course, the LIVE connection to the OKTO broadcasting line) is more than suitable as the venue for the event. Through a minimalistic studio decoration, the band/artist is the focus of their live performance. 12 minutes is also a time span in which the artist/band is forced not only to play their "hits" but also to present their work comprehensively.

Because this is a live broadcast, there is no possibility of a second take for those performing, creating a very immediate and therefore unique TV experience. The bands can present themselves to a larger audience during this performance and show that they can handle unusual live situations well. As a bonus, the recordings (if requested by the respective act) are of course also available online in the OKTOthek and thus offer a good promotion opportunity. Users can watch the band/artist "in concert" online - without having to resort to cell phone video quality.

Depending on the musician, the visual frontal concert situation can be broken up by camera technology and new ways of performing can be tried out. The show wants to be a kickstarter for music careers, a rallying point for the "scene" and a pivotal point for the Austrian pop landscape.

Pop is interpreted as a collective term for the most diverse forms of popular music. From singer-songwriters to good old rock bands to experimental electronic acts, anything is possible. Not only established artists/bands should get a chance, but also newcomers should be offered a springboard.

In order not to perpetuate the prevailing underrepresentation of female artists in the music scene in this format, attention will be paid to a selection of artists that is as gender-balanced as possible.

Watch 12 Minutes LIVE on the OKTO website: https://www.okto.tv/de/sendung/12minuteslive
Watch 12 Minutes LIVE on archive.org: https://archive.org/details/12minuteslive

Tags: #live #music #show #bands #sound

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· 2001-2025 · Mathias Müller · mmathias · Vienna · Austria

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