Curriculum Vitae

Mathias Müller, born 1980 in Vienna, Austria.
Currently living in Vienna, Austria.


1990-1998 Bundesrealgymnasium Erlgasse, Vienna
1998-2001 studied computer science at Vienna University of Technology


2000-2001 worked for UPC Broadband as second level IT support and server administrator
2001 founded "Mathias Müller Information Technology", a private company under Austrian law
2005-2008 worked for OKTO, an Austrian TV station, as head of IT and software development
2007 founded "Mathias Müller International Trading", a private company under Austrian law

Notable Commercial Projects

1998-2001 founder and head of development of the first-ever sci-fi MMORPG Destiny-Online
2001-2008 digital post production for Universum, an internationally renowned documentary series
2004 worked for SAE Vienna as a tutor for Discreet's Combustion compositing software
2004 founded, a commercial web and application hosting service
2007 became exclusive europe-wide reseller for the ACTN3 Sportsgenetest
since 2008 work for various international tv stations as a game show technician (ORF, ZDF, RTL2, 3sat, Abu Dhabi TV)
2010 worked with Michael Schieben and Johannes Franz for Interscope, producing an automatically generated music video for Kelis
2010 started marketing and handling exclusive-handmade jewellery under the trademark SplendorAeternus

Notable Non-Commercial Projects

2005-2008 worked with, an incorporated society to promote, research, develop and interlink media, art and technology
2005-2015 producer and host of "New Ordner", a TV show on air in Austria, and parts of Germany, reaching approximately 3.12 million viewers
2013-2023 producer and director of "12 Minutes LIVE", a music TV show featuring famous (and not yet famous) contemporary acts

Abilities and Skills

+ 10+ years of coding experience in c++, ansi c, x86 assembly language, postgresql, mysql, php, html, perl
+ 10+ years of system administration experience on openbsd, freebsd, debian linux, windows 95 to windows 7
+ 10+ years of experience using digital image manipulation software
+ 8+ years of experience in tv broadcast, tv production and tv post-production systems
+ extensive knowledge of system virtualization techniques, including vmware and xen
+ international driving licence

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· 2001-2025 · Mathias Müller · mmathias · Vienna · Austria

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